Thursday, January 9, 2025


LA is on fire.
That sounds like a story prompt for a futuristic short story, but it is real, and now. Trump is blaming California water policies “to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt”.
Um. No.
(I know you know. "
This is how tipping points happen: The LA wildfires are climate disasters compounded"--from the Guardian.)

Orange Crate Art has posted 4 live links to help LA.

May we wake up.
I deleted my Facebook account this morning. I kept Instagram, so that's mostly pointless, but my act is to remind ME of what matters:
FB was mostly people I could write letters to.
Do that.

I am to be given a pom-pom for my hat!
Not frivolous: humans connecting.

At coffee yesterday morning, I'd mentioned to chocolatier Tracy that you could tell it was seriously cold outside (near zero F) because 23 of the 26 people on the city bus were wearing hats. (Minnesotans almost never wear hats.) Only TWO of the hats had pom-poms on top, however, and I was sorry mine wasn't one of them.

She, crafter extraordinaire, said she would make me a pom-pom!
BELOW: Me, left, in pom-pomless hat knit by Auntie Vi, and Chocotrace. If you're in southern Wisconsin, visit her Sjolinds Chocolate House.

At work, I spiffed up the Valentines section with more non-Valentine frivolities:
a pair of little lamps with bases of frilly, Dresden-type figures in pastels; a packet of women socks with pink flamingos; a decorative box of beginner's calligraphy pens and nibs; more books and DVDs.
Can I keep this up for the month until V Day?
Probably not, but it's funner for me, and hopefully for shoppers. Manageress complimented me too.

And I made my coworkers lunch in a crock pot entirely from donated canned food:
kidney beans, black beans, green beans, collard greens, carrots, fire-roasted tomatoes, pasta sauce, and chicken. Meat in cans kinda grosses me out, but there it was--free protein.

I see at work how people are "nutrition poor". Usually there's something to eat, but often it's cold carbs. My coworkers are generally happy to have hot food.

I ate it too.
Too much sodium, but not much added sugar (just the pasta sauce). I'm trying to avoid processed foods, but in reality I just don't have the oomph to do all my own cooking from all-fresh foods.
When it's too cold to bike, shopping for freshies is an extra trip on the bus and I often skip it.
And that's totally okay. I'm not going for purity. That way lies madness. (You can see it on social media--some truly crazy food obsessions.)
Where the Store Lives

I don't blog much about the social setting of the store anymore, so for anyone new to my blog, let me note:
the store is located in one the first neighborhoods on "areas of the city to avoid" lists.
It's a mile from where the police murdered George Floyd, which was entirely in keeping with the Way It Is. I was shocked, but my coworkers were, like, "That almost happened to my cousin."

The nest of dealers across the street from the store have moved on (for now), so it's not quite so in-your-face, but
poverty and all its cruel companions are on display daily.

People have told me they're afraid to come to the store, and I don't blame them. I hope you can see here that it's lots of kindness and fun too. And fun stuff!
Once I figured out that I AM NOT THE SAVIOR, I've been good there.
Lots of good and interesting stuff nearby too--like mercados:
(me w/ my earlier self-cut hair)

It's my day off--I'm going downtown to mail a vintage Stanley "built for life" thermos to Marz, so she can take hot lunch to school. She'd wanted one, and on Tuesday one came into the thrift store. It's like a magic river: eventually (almost) everything comes by.
Probably pom-poms too, but I'd rather have a friend-made one.

After the PO, I'm going to a coffee shop to write a letter. Oh, yes, and I'll get ingredients for this miso soup.

Take care out there!


  1. i'm watching the jimmy carter funeral and mondale's son who gave his father's eulogy pointedly spoke about all of the climate work their presidency did. i saw him looking in t's direction during that.

    1. Oh, my, what weirdly (sadly) perfect timing, JC's funeral on this day.
      Thanks for telling me, Kirsten--I'll watch it later on youtube.

    2. Ah, here, I found it:
      "In a eulogy for Jimmy Carter delivered by his son Ted Mondale, former vice-president Walter Mondale credited his boss with attempting to tackle climate change long before it became a global crisis:

      “. . . Carter put his presidency on the line to pass laws to conserve energy, deregulate new oil and gas prices and invest in clean renewable alternatives to fossil fuels...

      “It wasn’t a perfect program, but thanks to President Carter, US energy consumption declined by 10% between 1979 and 1983. In many ways, he laid the foundation for future presidents to come to grips with climate change. Some thought he was crazy to fight so hard to pass these laws, but he was dead right,
      ***and we know that now.”

      * * * At that last line, Ted Mondale appeared to look directly at the former presidents that are seated right in front of him.
      Among that group is Donald Trump and George W Bush, whose administrations did little to tackle the climate crisis.

    3. the funeral is quite fascinating to me to watch. his grandson's gave wonderful speeches. i didn't realize Ford and Carter were great friends. Mondales' eulogy was good. the most fun part was watching the President and former Presidents interact. i 'll leave it at that.

    4. ps several times they spoke of the number of women and minorities who were appointed to high level positions which were greater than all of the previous presidents ever did. believe me i could see the digs in the speeches. perhaps that record has been broken but it might be interesting to see how the appointments since by each president were. the funny moment was that harris had her husband sit to her right in front of t instead of her. at the end i caught t just looking at her.

    5. Thanks for your reflections k!

  2. You Minnesotans are a hardy bunch if you go hatless during your winters. We Coloradoans practically feel naked without. Mine has a pom pom :)
    I went to my local thrift store recently, looking for a small cast iron skillet. They only had one - the exact one I already have. I'm sure Marz will love the thermos.
    Seems cliche' these days, but stay safe!

    1. I think there's a kind of perverse pride MNsotans take in appearing to be hardy. That said, they are!

  3. I am blocking rubbish on FB. Seems to be working, but for how long.
    Jimmy Carter was a good man. Just a pity more didn't appreciate that sooner

    1. A good man indeed, if not a very good president.

    2. P.S. I mean, he did some good as president but was not very effective.

  4. Amazing to think of going out in the cold (and it's cold here but not like your cold!) without a nice wool hat. I guess people do harden up to the temperatures they get accustomed to. Meanwhile my focus is on indoor projects (finishing a baby quilt for a friend! cleaning book cases).


    1. On the bus yesterday, a couple young people were wearing hoodies, and it was around 20ºF! I think there's a show-off element here.
      But you do get used to the cold, for sure.

      A good time of year to stay inside and craft and clean!
