Saturday, March 8, 2025

Target Practice

Bear is practicing ^ to join this one guy who is protesting weekdays at Target Corporate Headquarters downtown for the 40-day boycott/fast.
We might go down the block and stand outside the Target store itself though, where there's more foot traffic.
I think we'll go this Tuesday, my next day off.

Sister took me to lunch at the Art Institute yesterday for my birthday (day 3). 
I told her about the Toy Protest in Siberia, and she got all excited:
"The girlettes should do that!"

Yes, but they don't want to.
"We are too short."
 ? ? ?
"The BEARS want to," they volunteered. "They are taller."

I don't know what that's about, but it's true the Bears would be more visible on the ground--and the Bears were indeed on it.
They've been worried about bears in Canada, and they wanted to protest this country, the USA, "being mean".
Not sure where we can do that, so in the meantime, this is a good cause, and it's all interrelated.
Bears agree. "They are not being fair."
No one likes that.

I feel betrayed by Target--"my" Target––dropping their Diversity Equity Inclusion commitments as soon as Trump took office.

So I laughed in recognition to read this--(especially having just read about spite as a motivator for surviving the Soviet gulags):
 "A sense of betrayal can be a significant motivator for customers to take their money elsewhere," said Prof. Americus Reed II of the UPenn’s School of Business.

"One of the ways that you can really upset [consumers] is to claim to be something and then violate that standard that you claim to be...
It lands really poisonous on people....”

––"A 40-day Target boycott began this week. What to know...", AP News

And ya know, it doesn't help that I heard nothing at all in response to the card I sent the Target CEO. 
I didn't expect to, but silence is not a good message.


1. There's a March in every state for International Women's Day today. My pulled knee ligament precludes me going on marches now, but honestly, I don't much like the hub-bub of marches.

2. I was thinking, it's too bad I'm off Facebook & Instagram or I could post Bear Protest photos there. (Instead?)
But then I thought, it is so much better to SHOW UP in person anyway--and maybe people will take photos and post them on social media, and that will be better!

3. Boycotts work!

Supermarket News reports that the 1-day economic blackout on Feb. 28 hurt Target sales with a 9–14% drop in App & web traffic:


I was all revved up
talking to Sister at lunch yesterday, having spent the morning reading about Nazi & Soviet protests (or lack thereof).
Was I making too big a deal of Mump? I wondered.

Sister said she'd talked to a friend in Paris, telling the friend that people she knows here are losing their jobs.

"We're worried about losing our lives," her French friend said.

 Right. This thing with Mump loving on Putin... It could go so, so wrong.
We're not making enough of a big deal!

Some of my favorite people are Canadian.

William Shatner!

Wow--Shatner never talks politicals--and says he will block people on his site who do--but look at his Twitter a few days ago:

"I'm going to have to start charging a tariff for my posts since I'm a product of Canada..."

I made this mash-up of Canadian years ago:

ABOVE: James Howlett is Wolverine
(Hugh Jackman), left, aka Logan in Marvel Comics.
 Benton Fraser (Paul Gross) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is from the Canadian TV show Due South.
They're both from the Yukon, so I figured they must've crossed paths.

More on Target boycott, here at Unicorn Riot, demonstrating the point about betrayal:

“Target, I used to love you.
I don’t love you anymore.”

––Monique Cullars-Doty, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Minnesota

It's ridiculous to think any corporation is your friend, of course, but  a couple weeks ago I signed up for a membership at CostCo, because their board overwhelmingly voted to keep DEI.

I like Target stores much better, and as a single person, CostCo's giant sizes are too big for me.
But I paid $65 to show my support.
Money talks.

(I didn't need to do that:
for years I've gone with bink every so often and bought stuff in bulk with her membership.)

I talked to a couple of the employees there--including the guy at the membership desk--and they both lit up:
"It really is a good employer."

Mostly I shop at the local food co-op (between home & the thrift store) which is very expensive.
Really, I should eat less, and then good food would be cheaper.
That's a good idea.

The Bears are chiming in:
Buy Canadian maple syrup! (Um. This might be self-interest talking. I can't eat syrup, but they can.)


  1. I know people who seem practically "addicted" to Target, but the place has never really done much for me. Bear looks intimidating.

    1. One thing I’ve loved about Target here in town is they are all on easy bus lines, so I could buy big heavy things in winter! 😄
      Where do you shop, Abby?

      The bears are meant to be friendly—hopefully in congregate they will be.

    2. Of course that’s not really the point about Target—they used to be (or pretended to be) good corporate citizens.

    3. We have a couple of Targets that are very nice bike ride destinations - so not conducive to big heavy things!
      I shop online, at grocery stores, and... thrift stores, of course!

    4. Thrift is best 😄❤️

  2. Never been a Target shopper so boycotting is moot. Dennis shops at Cost co, they have not buckled yet and are not likely to. They are confident in their company , unlike Target, wishy washy cheap ass stuff from CHINA! (I would assume)...Orphans think that boycott is a bed for boys and they are all for it. Any excuse for a parade - they are on board! They are having a "Corn " parade this afternoon LOVE corn. May throw in a few sugar beets and a blue and yellow flag. Shop independent shops. Boy beds for everyone!

    1. Well, it’s really not about Target specifically—it’s the larger issue of justice. Like, I’m not Canadian but want to protect Canadians…

      LOVE ❤️ the Corn parade! Pictures?

      Cots for boys.. So tender and caring… 😢
      “Everyone should have a nice bed.”
      They are so pure of heart

  3. Bravo Bear (and you of course). I'm not much of a shopper in general - and last time I was in a Target was probably 5 years ago - suddenly decided I needed to spiff up the towels because we were having houseguests and ours get pretty sad pretty quick. So me boycotting them won't have much real world impact! Now if it was boycotting the public library or the local indie hardware store I would have to think long and hard! As for marches, I did mine many years ago and am too unsteady on my pins now, but I am sending e-mails and cards (most recently to Congressman Green).


    1. I want to send Rep Al Green a card too! HERO 😄❤️

    2. Why would you ever be called to boycott a library, I wonder..,
      But alas Ace Hardware and Home Depot, etc. are on the naughty list, as I’m sure you know.

    3. We are fortunate enough to have a small independent hardware store near by that basically has everything you could possibly want, AND if by chance they don't have the exact thing they know of another small store that does. It's a great blessing.

      There are anti-library groups, for sure, but they seem to go more in the de-funding direction. And of course would not be likely to be a group I would support.


    4. Wow, That is lucky and awesome that you have an indie hardware store! I don’t know that I can even think of one here – – I mean they are locally owned but they’re under the umbrella of Ace.

      I didn’t think he would be anti-library, Ceci—though I only know you a little bit by your comments here –
      just pondering who in the world would be. Of course sadly I can think of many…

  4. Boycotts do work and it is good to read they are in the national news.

  5. I stopped shopping at Target a few weeks ago, but somehow can't quit my Amazon addiction which I think is somehow worse?
