Wednesday, January 8, 2025

TY, Scrapper

 Leaving in a few minutes to have coffee with Chocolatracy before she leaves town this morning, so just a quick Photo Toss.

I set up a display of bright solid colors--I love the scrappy cat cup and this vintage hippo candle. TY for thank you.

I rounded up a few old LPs and some love stories books & DVDs for the Valentine's display:

I've been surprised that I continue to lose about half a pound a week, when I'm eating a lot of everything but sugar. Yesterday morning at work, the break room table was full of leftover Xmas chocolates--Sees, Lindt, chocolate peanuts, "chocolate" pretzels... as well as the usual bakery, and it was a visual clue to why:
Last year I'd have eaten a lot (a lot!) of that chocolate, all day long.

As it was, a scruffy young woman was half-sleeping in a chair in the furniture room. I asked her if she needed some water? A donut?
"Thank you, I haven't eaten today."
I gave her that box of Danish, and she immediately ate three.
Luckily we also had some donated, frozen prepared meals, from the
food-shelf , and she took some with her.
Humans must eat.


  1. dear lord! I SEE'S the temptation!
    And TY for helping the sleepy woman get back on her feet- you are like a radar seeking need and filling it- If I believed in saints , you would most certainly qualifu.
    LOVE the cat mug!
    That peg board is off putting, no matter how clever your arrangements are , the peg board distracts and make everything look - not worthy. The board could be papered- or painted to make it less like a poke in the eye. Just my opinion, mind you. People are not looking for aesthetics when they shop at thrift shops. Anyway, I love how you put things together. Joyful! And thank you again for taking care of the sleepy woman.

  2. A generous impulse to offer all this desert, but I feel so angry about the hungry girl. Thank goodness you had some real (more or less) food to offer her.



    1. It happens all the time at the store-/we’re in the city’s poorest neighborhood

  3. Nice, bright and cheerful..and it is good that people in need feel able to go to the store, for whatever reason.
    Well done for caring x

    1. It's good to care, eh? The store is in a neighborhood of need, so that's mostly who comes.

  4. I think I just went into sugar shock from your pic of goodies. Poor sleeping woman.
    I know someone who would LOVE that cat mug.

    1. You could practically get diabetes from that photo! The mug has sold or I'd offer to mail it to you. (Prohibitive postage though maybe, anyway.)

  5. Thank you for feeding the wayfaring stranger.
