Thursday, October 3, 2024

Happy, & Sweet (but not too much!)

bink & I took the Girlette crew to an apple orchard near Northfield, MN, for their annual Rosh Hashanah apples & honey.

We stopped at a bakery in Northfield, MN, where I was surprised to see challah because I usually only see it on Fridays. (not that I see it often--usually only if I go to Honey & Rye Bakery).

But, "Oh, yeah, it's a holiday," I said as I ordered a loaf.

"A challah-day," the baker said, and we both laughed.

(They are wearing their summer dresses
because it's still quite warm during the day.
But Pensive Bear has put on a striped shirt
because she is "sensitive to cold"--
even though she's from Russia! (handmade by Olga)

Thanks, all of you who've answered my question so far about my recent print. I got some "likes" on FB and IG, but no one answered my question. Blogging remains the best.

Re 32-oz. "Big Gulps"--they are famous partly because of 
the Big Gulp Ban--a popular name for the attempt in 2012 by New York City mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to ban sales of jumbo portions of soda. It...

"...ignited a global debate over soda consumption.
It also prompted panic among powerful beverage companies, who feared that their products could be widely branded as a threat to public health."   --NYT, 6/27/2014

"Mayor Bloomberg says that if New Yorkers want to kill themselves with sugar — that's their right.

He was responding to a small protest rally against a ban on big sodas on a sidewalk near City Hall Park — dubbed The Million Big Gulp March."  [--New York (AP)]

The ban was repealed by the courts.

"One drop of honey lasts a doll a whole year,"
commented Frankcolumbo, doll, pictured below dipping a slice of apple in a spoonful of honey.

Oh, that's one of Joanne's handwoven towels--now sticky with honey.


  1. Not to worry; that towel will live to work another day. I do remember the failed Big Gulp ban. And the nation grew more obese.

    1. And more diabetic too…
      Your towels, however, are healthy and well!!!

  2. The orphans are thrilled with the honey party- wondering if bees were invited and wondering if they could celebrate a new year every day. Of course they can do whatever suits their fancy.
    USA such a bunch of babies- I agree- If folks want to kill themselves with sugar- Allow it. same with tobacco but only the chewing kind that does not affect anyone else. Common sense is not strong with humans.

    1. Surprisingly few bees accepted the Girlettes’ invitation to honey, but yes, every day starts a new year!
      We humans are like bees—likely to drown ourselves in sweet sticky stuff. I am a compulsive eater if sugar—can’t keep it in the house or I eat it all, common sense be damned.
