Monday, September 16, 2024

"Talkin' 'Bout My Degeneration"

Today's Lake Superior Name: Light Blaster.
I'm catching the bus home in three hours, so this is my last morning having coffee at the Duluth co-op. On the way here, I filmed my third little (38 seconds) video.

Marz surprised me by being enthusiastic about my idea of making videos about getting older: "You should make a channel on YouTube". Though it makes some sense--that's the only social media she loves.

Maybe--probably--other people have used "Talkin' 'Bout My Degeneration". I'm not going to dig deep into what other people are posting about aging, though. I know myself: it will frighten me off to see other people doing the same thing--or even not doing the same thing.
If I go ahead with this, I'm going to close my eyes and jump.

I get the sense there's a lot of polarization:
Defy aging! vs. Celebrate aging!
If I had to choose, I'd choose the 'celebrate aging' folks--but, they look so chic. Like Jamie Lee Curtis or the new breed of models with long silver hair.
They don't look like me.
Or they're going sky diving.
Looks like marketing.
"Sixty is the new forty."
No, it's not.

Aging is not just a state of mind. I mean, that's part of it and hooray for that. Stay Sproingy!
It's also a biological process, and I'm interested in that. What are my cells doing? Not what they were doing at forty.
Call me Aging Curious.

I'll post my little videos here for a while, where I'm comfortable, readership is low, and hardly anyone I know here in town visits (so I feel less immediately vulnerable). (Hi, bink! You're the exception.)


  1. love the videos!! when i look at what others do then i become influenced by what they do.

    1. I’m loving doing them!
      Influenced, Kirsten? You mean, you might make some too? I would love to see that! Or, maybe you could be a guest star on my channel?

  2. Talkin' 'bout my degeneration! HA!
    Hey, I'd watch. This is a topic rabbit hole I've found myself falling through lately - particularly women's aging.

    1. Oh, thanks, Abby! I actually did it--I posted on a new youTube channel!

      It's such a fascinating topic... and we're LIVING it!
