Sunday, September 15, 2024

Me, Being Old(ish), 2

My second unvarnished video (42 seconds) of Being Old. 

Jeez, video is so much more exposing than photos. I don’t enjoy being visible that way, but I want to explore for myself and share what aging is like (for this woman), so I’m going to try this form.

(Unvarnished, unedited, and also entirely made-up on the spot. My hair does need washing today! But my point stands.)


  1. You are darling and I must say the perks of being as old as I am outweigh the dryness.weight gain, and blind spots. I can see that my future is about ten more years I do not waste time on things that I used to- like fretting over situations I can not change, trying to right the ship, caring about going out in public looking like maybe I shouldn't..don't care. I am in that sweet spot of aging before the wheels fall off entirely. You are still a young thang!!

    1. That’s it—though I am younger I see your perks and freedoms on my horizon ahead!

  2. I enjoyed getting caught up here. Glad you had a nice weekend in Duluth. You are aging gracefully! Drying up and blowing away, eventually. HA!
    And omg, we have a Sven Saw!

    1. That’s amazing you have a Sven saw!!! The woman I met would be so pleased.
      Aging with grace… or with grays, anyway 😆

    2. Don't know who grace is but age is going to change you regardless. Just pay attention- I mean I can look sideways and throw my shoulder out! One never knows what surprises will occur- cross that bridge- blah blah blah.

    3. Making no claims to grace, just grays, but paying attention—yea! That’s my gig
