Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My YouTube Channel! "Be a version of yourself that you enjoy."

I did it! I posted my first four little videos:


(To see all of them, click on "shorts" because they're less than 1 minute.)
I called my YouTube channel "Me, Getting Old(er)". 

"About: I wanted to see older women talking about being older. Unvarnished, unrehearsed... Realized I could be the age I want to see in the world. So here goes. Welcome!"

I was encouraged because several people told me they thought a channel about aging was a great idea, and I was encouraged to do it now because Marz sent me this astrological reading for the full moon tonight. (The moon woke me up last night--center video, above):
"Pisces, what’s another ego death to you?
You're a great observer, and your endless compassion and hilarious personality can attract others to you. Your creative sass is an inspiration.
You have the power to uplift moods and help people feel connected to you.
At this time, you may feel a bit in survival mode.[UNEMPLOYED!]

Let go of the expectation of others to show love to you in the same way you do them.

Just be a version of yourself that you enjoy, and the rest will fall into place."

"Be a version of yourself that you enjoy"--that could applies to any sign!

If I keep going with this project, and I hope I do, I'll post longer reflections too, and I also hope to post interviews with other older women and men.
One friend who recently retired from her work as a chaplain at a senior residence has already agreed. Others have said maybe, and one outright, No!
Not sure how I'd video an interview if you're not right here, but if any of you are game, that'd be great! Lmk.

I do want to proceed, but at the moment I feel a little nauseous with nerves from having taken the leap. The last time I posted on youtube was... back around 2010, when I was making Star Trek fanvids.

This was my best one--it's about the role of Star Trek in my life, including how I rediscovered it after my mother's suicide:
"Star Trek, My Love".

I never had anything but good experiences with youTube, but this is different--I feel seasick, putting my face and voice out there.
And youTube is different now. Still, there are a billion videos uploaded every second, so I feel rather protected by the numbers. Maybe no one will see mine!

Of course I do want them to be seen. I want old(er) people to be seen, I think that is something missing in society at large. And I want to talk to old people (and young!)--maybe this will be a connection.

I'm encouraged by other people being brave and talking about hard stuff online--they've helped me.
If I could offer something helpful that would be lovely. (I am not the savior, but we can and DO help one another.)

Well, I'll see how it goes.
Nerves aside, this is fun! Mostly I'm CURIOUS.
What is this thing called age? How and where am I (are you, we) in it?

Thoughts, anyone? Your ideas, comments, feedback are welcome!


  1. maybe me.......... i would love to talk about how older women treat each other and it's not always nice. i left a monthly therapy group after the therapist made snarky remarks to only me but none of the other participants.

    1. That’s a shame the therapist was snarky to you! Not cool. I wish we would all be one another’s allies

  2. You're brave! Go for it. I follow exactly one YouTube channel, and that only for being launched into other channels. I don't even have it in favorites; just start typing the first couple of letters and up it comes, with the notation "You visit here often." However, I've also read, but never looked into, that you can make money vis a vie the number of hits you have, or some such. Any way, Best Wishes.

    1. Thanks, Joanne-/I actually do feel brave—this is not a comfortable level of exposure!
