Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Girlettes' Best Hanukkah ever!

The girlettes vote this the BEST Hanukkah ever. For this, the sixth night, I took them to work, having invited a few days ago a new coworker who is Jewish to join us in candle-lighting.

At 4:15 p.m., three coworkers joined us outside by the dumpster at sunset. Vincent insisted we have a menorah. (I was just going to stick the candles in a snow drift.)
"We can use an apple," he said--bags of apples having been donated that day-- so I ran and got one.

Coworker lit the candles (I'd brought a box of little matches) and sang the prayer. He said he hadn't done this in years because he doesn't have family. "You all are my honorary family." And he said his ancestors were happy to witness him doing this.

And so were the girlettes.
It was very, very good.


  1. The Girlettes know what is worth voting for.

    1. Tororo! I am delighted to see you again! Happy New Year to you--the girlettes vote for this too!

  2. Lovely for you all..and especially Vincent, giving him family to sing for.
