Tuesday, October 8, 2024

"It's great to be an American"

I began blogging l'astronave (starship in Italian) on October 7, 2007. This blog, noodletoon, rolled on without an interruption from that one. So yesterday was this blog's seventeenth birthday.
Seventeen! I first went to college when I was seventeen... (Didn't stay long that time, but went.)

People have liked my transistor radio print* more than I'd expected---I think it has emotional resonance for those of us who grew up before computers. Also old tech looks cool.
I'm going to do some more prints of communication tech from my childhood. Rotary dial phones. View Masters!

This morning I'm looking at wall-mounted pencil sharpeners.
In the high school last spring, I saw none--only electric pencil sharpeners. Half the time they didn't work so people used those little plastic ones--one inchers.

Kids did use pencils, but every classroom had a 'Promethean board' mounted in front of the old blackboard. These are electronic touch screens that connect to the Internet--you can write on them and show videos.
No more clapping chalk out of erasers...

"current state of America"

This mini-vid online showing warring yard signs made me laugh, so I took screencaps.
Feels just right, though usually these people aren't right next to each other, at least not in my neighborhood, where I've not seen a single Trump sign.

Funny how we separate ourselves.
Though not always...

I was shocked yesterday when an old friend told me he approves of how El Salvador's president/dictator Nayeb Bukele has suspended legal rights and used police to round-up suspected gang members [84,000+ so far] with no due-process and put them in camps like the new Terrorism Confinement Center (overview on Wikipedia),
and then I was horrified that he thinks we (the US) should do this too.

"Why can't we round up these guys hanging out on the corners, killing downtown businesses?"
(He's older and rather frail. He's afraid to walk downtown. He’s not paranoid: it’s true it's emptied out and become more crimey, as has the whole city, since Covid--and after the murder of George Floyd. But who did that? THE POLICE.)

But they aren't breaking any laws, I said. They're just poor and have nowhere to go--maybe we could change that. And besides, I said, we already have a massive prison system.

He wants more discipline, and harsher.
Like extending Guantanamo to every city in the US.

I was truly shocked--perplexed--disturbed. Disbelieving. Surely he didn't understand what he was saying?
I kept bringing up objections and alternatives.
"How bout if we start with changing gun laws?"

"That's too hard," he said. "It's not going to happen."

"But this sort of 'solution' has never turned out well. What's to stop someone who does that from rounding up, say, trans people?" I asked.

He abruptly stood up and said he had to go.

I felt rather sick.
But it gave me new insight into why people would vote for Trump, if this educated, well-off man--a "nice" person--wants to put people in camps (he used that word, "camps") because they frighten him.

Coincidentally, this morning I was listening to Harry Nilsson and heard him sing Randy Newman's "Sail Away" for the first time--about how happy people should be to be brought to America:
"Sail awayWe will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay.
In America you'll get food to eat.
You won't have to run through the jungle and scuff up your feet,
You'll just sing about Jesus and drink wine all day,
It's great to be an American."

* P.S. I added an antenna to the radio--(I think I''ll angle it up a bit)--but most importantly, I finally bought some water-washable, oil-based printing ink.
It's (relatively) waterproof, nicer to work with, and it covers smoother and prints glossier:


  1. Fear drives humans- thus the cult of Rump and the evangelicals preaching at folk's pocket books. Fear is a motivator. One of human's failings, Misplaced fear and the hippocampus / amygdala relationship being overly burdened by trauma , brain damage. Meditation may band aid that injury- who knows. Humans have a history of fear based decisions .
    I watched "Experimenter" on prime last night- though it is an old news experimentation it did bring home the disadvantages of being human. Clearly we are not a superior species as we would like to think. I would probably label your friend as "idiot" but it is a common human error.I would rather face a pack of wolves in Yellowstone than a mob of humans.
    Anyway- I do love your Zenith! You become more brilliant with every breath! LOVE!!!!

    1. Hi, Linda Sue!
      Yes, "Fear is the mind killer," as it says in "Dune".

      I probably wasn't clear, but my friend isn't an idiot to be afraid---it's not misplaced fear: this city has become more crimey since Covid,
      and George Floyd's murder---but that was the POLICE's doing, and I do think my friend is an idiot to think the police will help.
      Don't put the wolves in charge!
      "Who's guarding the guards" I said to him, but he left instead of answering.

      Humans---we got bugs in our systems.
      Thanks for loving my prints---I am loving doing them!

  2. love the zenith and the addition of antenna is mwah! I have an old transistor Panasonic that I love with the telescoping antenna.
    and yes, fear is driving people because that to me is what the media anymore likes to perpetuate and people have lost their ability to think. after all they saw it on the internet so it must be true!

    1. I’m envious, Kirsten! I want an old transistor. Now I regret not getting one of the ones (few) donated to the thrift store.

      I do want to speak up for the reality of my friend’s fear—the crime in this city has visibly worsened. A lot of it is drugs and poverty-/ and bad policing/governance.

      However, his idea of a solution is no solution at all and I’d even say is heading down the road to evil.

    2. I sometimes wonder also if it is the aspect of getting/being older. younger people may see you as a potential victim. I think even here (college town of 52,000) I'm seeing some criminal undercurrents that I don't think people are paying attention to.
      the city has decided in it's infinite wisdom to approve the building of condos (lots of them) with some prices being one million $$$. That's ridiculous when we need more affordable housing. the university and the developers are aiming them at a second home market, rich alumni and young professionals.
      a comment on the Facebook page of one of the developers: "the community deserves more affordable housing than blank-slate white wall condos that cost more than a whole house. this is a deterrent for people who want to move here for the affordability, pushing other landlords to up their rents in response, causing an upward spiral that the big cities are all-too-comforable with. Please lover the cost of these units, and consider the negative impacts of the community before being too reckless."

    3. Exactly!
      We need jobs and housing—
      FAR better investment than more prisons.
      Also, drug treatment.

      A lot of people here who hang around on the streets or in public libraries (another of my friend’s complaints) sleep in homeless shelters—which close for the day at 7 a.m., leaving people without jobs nowhere to be in the day.

      And again, while my friend horrified me so much I don’t know if I can stay friends, you are right too, Kirsten, that
      ***Old people are more vulnerable to desperate (or uncaring) people!

  3. Well, but....your friend's thinking scares me, should he be sent to a camp? I wonder if he was just having a terrifically bad day and venting because he felt safe with you? I hope so. But maybe I'm just a sap?

    I'm looking forward to your phone and view master prints. Always so much to think about in your posts.


    1. I wish he was just venting! – – the truth is, I shouldn’t have been so surprised – –he’s said this sort of thing before and I’ve chosen to ignore it – –
      this time I picked it up because he was using a real-life current example of El Salvador.

      Many people do talk in those terms – – it’s like Trump saying he’s going to round up all the immigrants and send them away.

  4. I live with so many people, men and women, whose beliefs dovetail with your friend's. Up to and including packing children into holding crates. I argue with them, mostly politely, but to no avail. They believe MAGA tripe, hook, line, sinker.
    I do hope you print up a fair number of your creations and take them to street fairs and farmer's markets next year.

    1. Ah, you’ve mentioned your table mates and others being of unlike mind, Joanne—it’s hard because these ideas are so cruel!—(as well as ineffective).

      Thanks 😊 for the encouragement to do fairs & markets! I am going to aim for that.

  5. Maybe he left as he is afraid to face the reply to your question

    1. Sadly, yes, GZ: I think the extension of his ideas wasn’t something he wanted to think about.

  6. Happy blog-o-versary Fresca, and many more!
