Friday, September 20, 2024

UPDATED. This morning’s linocut: “There’s nothing wrong with you.”

 Update: I printed my text on top of an old picture (from the thrift store). First time I’ve tried this…


So says Pensive Bear. 


  1. carving and printing is most certainly your gig, brilliant! I am so glad you found it and took the class ! LOVE what you are coming up with. Using the thrift store find is a rel light bulb!!

    1. Thanks, Linda Sue!
      I’m surprised how much I’m liking printing – – why didn’t I do this earlier? It certainly helps that I have a bigger apartment – – and can dedicate the entire main room to art making – – currently there are prints drying all over the floor. I’m going to rig up some line and the clamps you gave me and at least get them up.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I’m going to look for more paper ephemera to print on
