Thursday, September 19, 2024

"The original shimmering self..."

I found this comment online--- it is from Frederick Buechner's 3rd volume of memoir, Telling Secrets (1991--FB was sixty-five).

Looking that up, I see Buechner is the source of another popular quote (often misquoted):
He wrote that vocation is the place where. . .
"your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.
...Your deep gladness is the call of one's true, enduring and authentic self, the pursuits that engender, not necessarily always happiness, but profound joy."

Hm... This from Telling Secrets relates to what I'm starting to try to do on my youTUbe:

"It is important to tell at least from time to time the secret of who we truly and fully are – even if we tell it only to ourselves – because otherwise we run the risk of losing track of who we truly and fully are and little by little come to accept instead the highly edited version which we put forth in hope that the world will find it more acceptable than the real thing.

"It is important to tell our secrets too because it makes it easier that way to see where we have been in our lives and where we are going.
It also makes it easier for other people to tell us a secret or two of their own..."

Just this morning a stranger left a comment on the video where I talk about my mothers suicide, simply saying "Thank you for this" and a heart emoji, and I thanked them and replied with that quote.

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