Monday, September 9, 2024

My cover letter was not written by ChatGPT.

OMG!!! Job applications are so onerous! You have to write everything ten times--in a resume, in the online form, in supplemental questions, and in a cover letter.

By the time I got to the cover letter for my application for the public library, I was punchy. Fuck it, I thought, I'm writing as a representative of the HUMANS.
Here's what I sent:

Dear Lovely People at XX Library,

Someone told me that I should get ChatGPT to write a cover letter for this job as a Library Customer Service Specialist, a job I very much want and am well-qualified for.  So, I just now asked the AI if it could write a cover letter for me, and (I’m sure you know this), it perkily replied that if I would gather all the necessary information, it would turn the info into sentences, like spinning gold out of straw. (It did not say that, of course.)

Thanks, I told it, but I think I will write it myself. Maybe if I make errors, it will prove that I am human.

It replied, “I get where you’re coming from! Writing a cover letter yourself can indeed add a personal touch and reflect your unique voice.”

So, let me just say, I know books, and I know people. I come from six years running the books section at XYZ Thrift Store, one mile from where the police killed George Floyd. Living through that, I became more strongly committed to diversity, inclusion, and equity.
I also believe in efficiency and attending to tasks that make everyone’s life a little easier, like keeping the copier machine full of paper.

I worked at [art college] Library for several years as well. I always said being a librarian is like being a bartender: the heart of the job is listening to patrons.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you for a chance to talk in person soon.

Sincerely, Fresca, Human


I tell ya blog friends, I would totally hire me based on this, but every time I’ve done this sort of thing (written a quirky note), I never get an interview. 

On the other hand, I’ve applied to the public library and other county jobs the “right” way before, and I never got an interview that way either.

So what the hell. At least I enjoyed myself. 


  1. I hope you get a response at deserves one!

    1. Thanks, GZ… But, you know – – it’s all automated, so you don’t even know if a human ever saw it. Perhaps it will be rejected by an AI who is mad that I didn’t use its friend – – lol

  2. Hmmm. I'd hire you in a minute if the job is what it sounds like! Fingers crossed!


  3. How many libraries and/or branches did you send this to? I like it, but then I'm a reformed English major. You could also toss all the same info into AI, and send that letter too, notating it as the back up, official pinch hitter.

    1. The application covered all the county library branches—at least 20. More?
      I truly wonder if a human will ever read it— I always sense (not reliably, but possibly) that my applications get knocked out by their computer intake algorithm.

  4. You're hired! Well, if I had any say in the matter... which I don't
