Friday, August 30, 2024

You can/'t get there from here.

"It’s hard to make bright pinks without magenta."
Oh, okay, I get it:
"Mixing ink is an art form." 
bink (and Pantone ^) pointed out that you can't mix EVERY color from the limited tubes I have. (I don't have magenta.)
And with block-printing inks, "violet, brown, and navy often come out muddy and gross". [via]

I've never paid close attention to prints before--sort of didn't have the vocabulary to enter into them fully.  It's wonderful to discover artists and art like "London through the eyes of illustrator and graphic designer Edward Bawden" (in The Guardian). A litho from linoleum, 1936:


And Namibian printmaking artist John Muafengejo. His "Hope and Optimism." ["Inspite of the Present difficulties"] (1984):

[for future ref:]
I went back to work yesterday. Our admin had no plans for us. After setting up classrooms for a couple hours (no Pinterest-level decor here), the teachers left and we assistants sat around for hours.  Today will be the same.
If we were a different crew, that might be fun?
But we're not, and it wasn't.

So I texted that I can't work today. (Kids come next week, and that will be better.)

What is MY plan?
Well, my intention going back was not to take it to heart --definitely a life-challenge... I was really annoyed yesterday, but I pretty quickly got it in persepctive. I am a free agent.
Instead of going to work today, I'm taking the bus to Duluth this afternoon. Marz has tomorrow entirely off--otherwise she's working her new job--so I can spend all day with her.
Instagram determined that I'm interested in reincarnation--and I am, as a metaphor. I don't believe my soul chose to reincarnate on this planet, but it's such a happily wacky idea--it cheers me up.
I find it a helpful interpretation:
It's all good school: you're not failing, you're learning!

Instagram offered me Dolores Cannon (1931–2014, Wikipedia). A "promoter of fringe ideas", she said she channeled extraterrestrials and that they said that Earth is the hardest planet, and souls that choose to come here have their highest regard.

I'll take it! ETs are rooting for me! The weirdest idea here, to me, is that Earth is the hardest planet in the universe. I mean, it is hard, but there's a lot of fun here. Star Trek and I can imagine far worse planets.

However you look at it, there's a lot to learn, that's for sure. How to mix colors... How to make good pictures!

BELOW: Edward Bawden:
"Architectural Elements at the Higgins Bedford"
This encourages me--you can see tiny errors, and they really don't matter. In fact, they are signs of the human hand, and now we're in the age of CGI and AI perfection, those are welcome.


  1. "They are signs of the human hand". Love that!


  2. Agree: "signs of the human hand" - yes please!
    It's nice being a free agent, isn't it, fellow earth challenger.
    Have a good time with Marz, I hope she continues to settle into her new path.

    1. “Fellow Earth Challenger”—lol, thanks, I love that.

  3. like the prints you chose to highlight

    1. Thanks, bink—it’s hard to choose between so many!
