Friday, August 30, 2024


In Duluth ^ I can see signs of gentrification, but not everywhere. 

I’m sitting in the co-op seating area looking out at Lake Superior—I can see a giant ship in the harbor. I’m drinking tea and waiting for Marz to finish her shift so we can go picnic up the shore. 

On the three-hour bus ride up here, I dozed off and on, looked out the window at birch and pine, and thought of the coworker who’s most difficult for me. They seem controlling, and I’m a little afraid of their sourness, but…
What if, before we were born, our souls really had made a plan to meet up on Earth?

It was such a funny and darling  idea, my fear dropped. 
“Maybe our souls could meet up without our egos needing to know.”

Open sesame!
 😆 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


  1. Your difficult coworker -- do you know what the principal, or maybe it's the vice principal, in Up the Down Staircase tells Miss Barrett about every problem? "Let it be a challenge to you." LOL! If anyone had ever said that to me in my teaching career, I think I would've hit them with an eraser.

    1. Maybe that vp was an embodied extraterrestrial!
      I haven’t seen that movie is decades—must catch up—“To Sir with Love” and “The Holdovers” too!

  2. Difficult people- either give them a wide berth or poke the bear...That is me talking about me dealing/not dealing with difficult folks. My son is brilliant at this stuff and makes people laugh so they love him even if they don't love him...Levity can work wonders, ask the girlettes. "what others think is none of our business".
    That is a nice thing to do for Marz- she probably loved seeing you and a picnic! Very nice! Also , an afterthough, generally people like the controlling sourpuss is likely so insecure and jealous that it may take a while to break that shit.

    1. Mmm… my coworker appears quite humorless… To your final point, yes! I will be patient

  3. I like the strategy - imagine we are "friends" who planned the whole thing beforehand.
    Have a good time with Marz!

    1. Exactly! And if I’m “wrong”… we’ll, no harm done.
