Monday, August 19, 2024

"Please absorb all that."

Garner's Modern English Usage, which I got from the thrift store the other day, is a hoot! (Thank you, Michael, for recommending this.)


"Please absorb all that."
Not likely---my brain is too (or, not enough) spongey! [Spongy? Really? Looks wrong.]

I'd just mentioned here that turning sixty was a turning point in my physical aging--and it surprised me (and still surprises me, at sixty-three)--and there it was in the Guardian yesterday:
Studies suggest aging is not a slow and steady process, rather...  "Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60".

Reduction Prints

But old dogs do learn new tricks. bink and I made "reduction prints" for the first time during our usual Sunday morning coffee at my place. (Actually, it took us till 3 p.m. to finish printing them.)
My tangerines, top; her asparagus, below. (These are 5" x7" cards.)
It was confusing at first---using one block, you carve & print each color at a time... (lightest to darkest)...  You are not only visualizing the image in reverse (tangerines don't care), but you are thinking of the whole image in layers, from front to back.
Once you get started, it's fine--but futzy. Even tidy Virgo bink made a messy print.

Through Linda Sue, I recently met Abby, blogger of AbbyNormal, (not thrift-store-volunteer Abby).
She asked about what I do.
Here's a brief overview--plucked from some of the 71 posts on my old blog (2007– ) tagged "About Me".


I volunteer now where I worked for six years as BOOK's Lady (Toys too), at a thrift store in my city's poorest neighborhood--a mile from where the police murdered George Floyd. Lots of street business goes on there too.
I love the store, but the stress-to-pay ratio was atrocious.
This spring I started working as a special-ed assistant with autistic high-schoolers. Love the kids, love the pay, hate high school.

BELOW: February 2020 (right before Covid) Me, far right (gray sweater), having lined up staff for my online campaign for the thrift store to win Best of... Which we did!

A couple friends turn up in my blog all the time--bink & Marz.
Here we are on Camino, walking across Spain in 2011:
Below, L to R: me, bink, Marz.

I don't have much bio family.
Here are some of my roots:
TOP: my mother's father (far right) w/ his parents and sister, Kentucky, 1912
BELOW: my father's father––in a photo, far right, held by a brother (because my grandfather had already emigrated to Milwaukee, WI)–– Sicily, 1913

BELOW: Very representative of me NOW--photographing the girlettes' (dolls) and bears' summer solstice parade last year. (Marz is holding the parade balloon bear, and bink took the photo.)

All for now! Have a lovely week, everyone!


  1. wish we were neighbors- would you be mine? could you be mine? won't you be my neighbor.
    The "ME" photo is ideal!
    My world has been mightily enriched by you- Orphans- and now prints! I am not sure how reduction printing works, looks like sorcery to me and I do love it! The colors are perfect- the photo of you with your dental hygiene pals on the big walk makes me yearn to travel.

    1. I WILL be your neighbor—in blogland.
      Reduction printing offers new and exciting ways to make mistakes!!!

      Lol, and traveling is all about “opportunities” to wash and brush in public conveniences…

  2. Just read the article, not sure that has been my experience having been both ages- Nothing aged me more quickly than surgery at 70...other than that (?) Scientists are not always right always and generally or sometimes...I dunno.

    1. I went back and followed the link to the original science journal report – –
      —and it’s about changes at a molecular level, not personal experience of aging—but I’m still claiming it because I have noticed fast change in this decade.

  3. That is an interesting 44 I stood up for myself and kicked out husband (with kids help) 60 I got back properly into winning races on the boards....thanks Pirate!! I hadn't noticed many changes until the gap in bike riding when looking after Pirate..that does take it out of you.

    Reduction printing is scary..once it is cut that's it!! And how they visualise how each layer will work...have a look at Ann Lewis' work..

    Good to have family photos. Invaluable really

    1. Hm, GZ—maybe there’s something to those ages psychologically too…? Turning points for some of us? At any rate, you did the opposite of declining. You got free!!!

      Reduction printing is merciless! I will look at Ann Lewis’s work—thanks!

    2. There are a few good ones on Linocut Friends group on FB. Brian Angus comes to mind, and for reduction printing there is a very good woman in Kirkcudbright

    3. Thanks! I just recently signed up for a couple print groups on Facebook – – I’ll check and make sure I’m on that one too! So much to look at

  4. OH, thank you for this brief overview of "you"!
