Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sacred Space

I texted the volunteer, a retired medical doctor, who'd tried to help the young man shot in the parking lot Thursday, to thank her.

I loved what she wrote back: "It was quite a day...

Her reminder to consider the spirit helped, slowed me down, recalled me to my own. The spirit can get calloused, develop a shell...
Sometimes, a pearl? 

I haven't heard the "many who live with violence every day" say "it's good for me to be at Vinnie's" (the thrift store).
I do say that, Dr. Volunteer does, Housewares Abby does--but we all have a lot of protective space in between our experiences of violence.
When that space got awfully thin for me after a few years of exposure--and then when George Floyd was murdered and there was no space-- I started to feel rubbed raw, and I stopped feeling it was a good place for me.

After a break, I'm enormously glad to be back. One day a week is good though.

Another coworker yesterday (I worked two days in a row) talked with me about being desensitized. He grew up in Chicago:
"At first I used to be shocked to see a dead body. Now I only feel something when it's someone I know."

He and I were chatting as we assembled $1.99 grab-bags toys together. He's a new guy in furniture, and that area was slow yesterday. He's great: he likes toys! Hardly anyone there does--so it's rare that anyone enjoys helping me sort them, and they don't do a good job making a nice mix for the bags.

And he put things on the Toy Bridge, which he likes. He lives nearby and has been a regular customer. "I bought things off there. That was you?!"

The Toy Bridge is sacred space. I mean that. Space for frivolity, space for toys to mingle, and for adults to find them...

I sorted more paper ephemera and Cool Old Books & Things:

And more boxes of model railroad scenes. I almost bought these two for the boxes:


  1. I wonder if that is a Ginny doll beside the Cool Old Books sign? Wow, haven't thought about them in years. Must Google.....


    1. Closer look, nope, not a Ginny doll, beloved in my '50s childhood. I had one with red hair (like mine!) that got lost on a family camping trip along with her cigar box bed and wardrobe of little clothes, so its a nostalgia jolt to think I see one.

  2. The Doctor's response exploded my heart.

    1. Me too. I wrote back, “I want someone like you with me when I die.”

  3. I'm just getting to know you and learn you work (volunteer?) at a thrift store. That toy bridge is too cute. Reminds me of taking my kids thrifting when they were little. I'm happy to know the Doctor was with the victim at the end.

    1. FRESCA here:Abby, Today I posted a little bit about what I do.
