Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Looks like home

Because she’s signed up to study journalism in college this fall, Marz has started to read the New York Times Sunday paper—on paper. Last night she tried the crossword for the first time, with occasional help from me. (“The Ghost and Mrs. ____”? 
“Muir”.) We got maybe ten answers? 

This morning, the paper on the ottoman gave me a flash of the handful of years growing up when my parents were happy together and newspapers were spread all over the house throughout the week. 

I’m carving lino at my desk (5th of 6 classes printmaking tonight)—and this looks like my grown-up life—including living with a painter, bink, for thirteen years. Except when she had a studio while she was getting her MFA (UI-Chicago), wherever we lived is where she worked.

Rooms that look like a disheveled library or a working studio feel like home. Thrift store vibes. I love to stay in pristine rooms that look like magazine shoots on vacation—but wouldn’t aim to live that way. Couldn’t! What to do with ongoing projects and papers?


  1. i grew up with newspapers and books everywhere. i do have the books down but miss newspapers. i don't think anyone here carries the paper version of the nyt. ah to be going back to school this fall. i still would like to get a phd someday in some esoteric field but the cost is not wanted!! tell marz i envy her going back to school.
    i know what you mean about staying in pristine rooms but have no desire to live like that. the rooms always seem so cold.

    1. Hi, Kirsten--me too: books, not newspapers... Marz bringing the Sunday times home makes me want to continue that though.
      I want to go to school again too! I was just wondering about studying printmaking...

  2. Pristine rooms: I used to like walking through Ikea because they had all those little room vignettes showing off the furniture - no piles of newspapers, huge teenager shoes or coffee cups. Don't want to live there however. NYT crossword: My husband does it every day over breakfast, has for years. He says it's a skill one builds up. I feel that spelling is so restrictive, only one right way, so crosswords won't ever be my game.

    Cheers, Ceci

    1. IKEA---exactly! I actually had that in mind---the clean little rooms.
      LOL--crosswords are so restrictive, and spelling too! Even though I worked as a proofreader, I'm not a great speller---I have to look words up a lot.

  3. My parents' house was "full" of books, and the newspapers would pile up in a big basket until trash day. I think that's part of why I'm a minimalist. That said, I miss reading newspapers on paper and doing the crossword. Good for Marz, the future journalist!

    1. I hadn't realized I missed the physical paper until Marz brought one home... I don't even read much news online--stopped a few years ago. Maybe I'll start again.
      Heh, I can see how the parents' clutter could make you a minimalist.
