Saturday, June 8, 2024

P.S. From "Wandering Stars"

Speaking (post below) of Tommy Orange --I'm reading his new novel--the prequel/sequel to There, There:
Wandering Stars. I was thrilled to find it in the school library---at the city library, there are 500 holds on 60 copies.

I'm halfway through its 315 pages and liking it, but am waiting to see where it's going...

Meanwhile, I loved this quote from page 119. The character is Orvil, the kid who was dancing at the powwow at the end of There, There:

"He read something about schools being designed in the first place to control people better, to extend adolescence and create more complacent citizens using models they used to domesticate animals. He wanted to know more about that history, but then when he went to find where he'd read that he couldn't find it."

I'm surprised that many people--including many of my coworkers--don't share my horror at public schools. Many even defend it.
I feel like we're all domesticated, like characters in Animal Farm.
"Oh, the barn door is locked? But it's for our own good."

Is it?

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