Friday, March 21, 2025

so mod

I sorted lots of fun donations today--a good day!

Two mod squad puzzles from 1969. I've never seen a single episode of this TV show (nor The Man from U.N.C.L.E. with the cool Ilya Kuryakin).
As I was pricing the puzzles, Big Boss came by. "I'm glad you're here so people know we have interesting things like that," he said.  He’d never heard of the mod squad.

I'd mentioned my earth-tone endcap--I got some good things to spruce it up today.
The yellow/brown/orange floral tins, from the 1970s.

I'd spied these attractive wood bowls ^ in the cart to go out on the sales floor, priced by a coworker 99¢ each.  
That didn't seem right. I looked up the maker's name and found out tthey're handmade of birds-eye maple. I oiled them lightly, wrote a note for each one saying what it is, and repriced each at $6.99.
BELOW: "Munising wood bowls are carved as one piece from a log by Munising Wood Products in Upper Peninsula, Michigan, from 1911 to 1955." --via

I love things and their history, and they deserve special care.
My coworker's ignorance is to our customer's financial benefit, IF they know how to spot nice things.
People in the know might wish I wouldn't catch vintage things, but while they have to pay more, I  hope that by me pulling out cool old things and giving them pride of place, other people notice them more and maybe learn about them and their worth---
which is not just financial.

Nothing too extraordinary on the Vintage Shelves today,
but enough to fill the shelves. A sample:
(And I aim to price at a third of antique prices. I look at picclick that averages SOLD prices on ebay.)

My favorite (after the wood bowls):
the very pink Fondue Magic: Fun, Flame and Saucery.


  1. The miniature roll top desk is great too - my brother (another thrifter) has 3 or 4 sizes of roll tops, adult human, young child, doll size and doll house size. He really wasn't particularly looking for one but after the first one turned up the others caught his eye. Meant to be.....


    1. I love that desk too! I always wanted a human sized one with lots of pigeonholes.

  2. I've had fondu one time. In Wisconsin, loads of WI cheese, bakery bread, wine, good friends. A good time.

  3. Girlettes might need the little desk! I love the bowls, they are a deal at any price!! Good spotting! Your fun at work shows!

  4. They are beautiful bowls..and yes, you are raising the prices but not to the extent that ordinary people can't afford them

  5. PS Thought of you yesterday when I saw a hat that says "you are made of star stuff". Considering if I need one or if I should stick with the hat from a 35 year old Little League team? Choices.....

