Thursday, March 20, 2025

Orange Blossom Special

 The first steps of the restoration of Orange Blossom, the new old bear.

On the doorstep, eager for fresh fur.

“I feel crunchy!”

Yeah, and no wonder – – I opened her back seam, and the foam she was stuffed with is some petroleum product that crumbles back to sand.

They think it’s funny to get turned inside out (to remove all the icky sticky stuffing). “We can see with our eyes facing any direction!”

Five washes, five rinses…

Finally the water ran clear. Pillsbury Doughboy offers Orange encouragement.

Now set in the sunny open window on a stick to dry! She’s made of synthetic material so will dry quickly and refluff well.


  1. Orange Blossom is beautiful!

  2. That's how the expert ladies on The Repair Shop do it! Orange Blossom will be loverly.

  3. She's so beautiful now...and such a darling!
