I happened to set these two books face-forward, and look:
Isn't there a resemblance between Darcy and Behomoth, the Cat as Big as a Pig--if only the whiskers and high collars?
Colin Firth could play the demon cat...
I haven't read The Master & Margarita--have you?
The time is right for an absurdist parable about the Devil coming to town...
Reviewer Viv Groskop gives it a unique recommendation:
"If you are unmarried, and you love [the novel] and you meet someone else who loves it, you should definitely marry them. "--"Life Got You Down? Time to Read The Master and Margarita, Or, How to Be Happy With Russian Literature." (Literary Hub, 2018)
It seems like a novel for our times, though our Mump has not sunk to Stalin excesses (pleasegod, no), they're certainly absurd enough. Groskop says:
"In dealing frivolously and surreally with the nightmare society, Bulgakov’s satire becomes vicious without even needing to draw blood.Tororo mentioned there's a new movie adaptation. (Russian, 2024).
His characters are in a sort of living hell, but they never quite lose sight of the fact that entertaining and amusing things are happening around them. However darkly comedic these things might sometimes be."
In the U.S. you can watch it on the site Russian and Soviet Movies...
Hm, well, you need a membership, but there is a 5-min. preview.
(I don't have Internet at home so haven't watched it yet.)
I enjoyed VG's review--she's funny.
I haven't made it through much Russian lit (Chekhov's short stories were about my speed).
I might look for her book, The Anna Karenina Fix: Life Lessons from Russian Literature.
The Master and Margarita was recommended long ago when I was reading loads of Russian lit but I never got around to it. I most certainly will now! I am sure to love it! Thanks for the reminder- it escaped my brain. "Life Lessons" also ! Must read that too! Yippeeee, a reason to carry on. Meaty ,heavy going, Russian lit, nothing like it to get through this slog.
ReplyDeleteI just started reading it this evening, and the first chapter is pretty funny and weird and gripping. I love the idea of that Russian literature could be our reason to carry on at this time – – lol
Deleteironic isn't it....or is it?
DeleteWell, it's absurd, that's for sure!