“Try treating a Bear’s knee and see if that helps you,” my doctor said yesterday when I told her I do Bear Repair.
(We’d already established that she loves the thrift store—a couple miles from the clinic—and used to own a complete Playmobil 🏕 camping set herself.)
Turns out four (4!) dolls and bears needed treatment. I sent the doc this picture.
Such good advice! It is helping already.
Seeing the doctor helped overall, even though there isn’t anything she could do directly– – basically the diagnosis is,
though the good news is, I haven’t torn anything, one of the interior bits of the knee is hurt – – probably the ligament (she showed me a diagram—I love when doctors are fully informative like that) – –and that takes a while to heal. But I was comforted just knowing that, and I am going to get PT, which is what I wanted, although the first appointment isn’t for two weeks.
The doctor also suggested that I consider not crawling around on my almost-64-y.o. slightly arthritic knees on the concrete floor at work, which I think was the precipitating event.
Maybe that sounds obvious, but it was kinda eye-opening to me – –the idea that I should change my behavior with age, not only to focus on getting stronger but to take more care to protect my vulnerable self.
glad to hear that it will take time and nothing very seriious (needing surgery!) and taking care of other knees will help. yeah, having broken a wrist and fractured an elbow in the last four years, i have become very cognizant of bodies and age. getting stronger as we age is very important.