Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Doctor’s Orders

 “Try treating a Bear’s knee and see if that helps you,” my doctor said yesterday when I told her I do Bear Repair. 

(We’d already established that she loves the thrift store—a couple miles from the clinic—and used to own a complete Playmobil 🏕 camping set herself.)

Turns out four (4!) dolls and bears needed treatment. I sent the doc this picture.

Such good advice! It is helping already. 
Seeing the doctor helped overall, even though there isn’t anything she could do directly– – basically the diagnosis is, 
though the good news is, I  haven’t torn anything, one of the interior bits of the knee is hurt – – probably the ligament (she showed me a diagram—I love when doctors are fully informative like that) – –and that takes a while to heal. But I was comforted just knowing that, and I am going to get PT, which is what I wanted, although the first appointment isn’t for two weeks.

The doctor also suggested that I consider not crawling around on my almost-64-y.o. slightly arthritic knees on the concrete floor at work, which I think was the precipitating event. 
Maybe that sounds obvious, but it was kinda eye-opening to me – –the idea that I should change my behavior with age, not only to focus on getting stronger but to take more care to protect my vulnerable self.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that it will take time and nothing very seriious (needing surgery!) and taking care of other knees will help. yeah, having broken a wrist and fractured an elbow in the last four years, i have become very cognizant of bodies and age. getting stronger as we age is very important.
