Thursday, January 2, 2025


I'm heading back to work this morning---on my bike.
It's 15ºF ( -9 C) outside, my cut off. The next ten days are due to be colder, so I'll take the bus--two, actually, and those are slower and potentially distressing, depending on who's doing what on the bus.

Work has been mostly good, emotionally--and when it's not, I set my intention to ask myself, "So what?"
Sometimes the 'what' matters, and there's something that I can do.
Often, neither.

The Marzipan drives back to Duluth today--like a Lemony Snicket child, she says.
It's an unfortunate event all right:
the next semester doesn't start for 11 days, but she has to be there for her job at the grocery, which is boring and lonely. And Duluth is even colder than here, "and full of hills and trolls," says Marz.

She is not a happy camper. Too long a break can be demoralizing--you lose momentum.
But I trust she is doing a good thing, going to college. Study is a whetstone, and I can see its effects.

My brain could use a little honing too... Last year I was learning about human neurology and psychology, working with autistic high-schoolers (and school administrators, who were harder to understand--and I'm not kidding).
This year I'm back at my old job, which is a good place for me but does not light up the little gray cells.
I must consider, What now?

I shouldn't say this because I (almost) never DO it, but working out story plots would be a good exercise.
I'm always saying, that would make a good story.
Do you do this?

Even if I didn't write the story, I could jot down an outline.
Like, remember when Deepak Chopra said he'd like to be alone with Trump on an island for . . . a week, was it? to help DT heal.
Wouldn't it be funny to work out what would happen?
Would DT find his wounded inner child and weep and weep?
Or would he kill and eat Deepak?
Does DT know how to make a fire?
Would he eat our hero raw?
I would have to think all that out.

Bradbury is wrong: it is possible to write badly week after week; but if I came up with an idea for a story every week, some of them are bound to be good. Maybe I'll try just jotting them down, as brain exercise.

The decks are clear--there's not much I have to do otherwise. Yesterday I cleaned my apartment and cleaned my online clutter a little too. I unfriended 8 of my 69 FB 'friends' (who are you?) and deleted a bunch of FB and IG posts.
So--I've got free space.

Okay, time to bundle up warm and head out...
Ciao, everybody!


  1. oh yes, that break between classes was often the worst for me. you've just gotten into the rhythm and bam! i'm surprised that duluth doesn't offer intersession classes during that break like my university does. we've got snow coming on sunday and a week of bitter cold like you!!!

  2. It is going to feel almost as low as that tonight here... actually a couple of degrees higher.
    Very sensible using the buses at that temperature

  3. It is a hella long break for the college crowd. I'm glad I work in testing as well, so we only had a one-week break for that. Hopefully Marz doesn't go bananas.
    My bicycle commuting cutoff is also 15F, and I have just one bus to get to work - except I must leave the house 15 minutes earlier than bike days. First world problems.
    Sounds like a good online purge - good idea!

  4. Kudos to you and Abby biking in winter! I admire you.
    .Marz will be OK once the ball starts rolling again and engages her very good brain- college can be entertaining. Thinking with others in the same pool sparks all sorts of brain activity. I loved school. for the sparks.
    Duluth colder and full of hills and trolls , guess I can shelve that dream of moving there when the subduction earth shake happens and I am spared ...Guess i will have to come up with another alternative.

  5. MN is too cold for me. But then, so is Ohio. However, there are alligators in Florida and mosquitos in NC. I would ride the bus before the bike, past say seventy degrees.

  6. Too bad Marz doesn't have a more engaging job, of course if jobs were all fun they wouldn't have to pay us. One of my kids teaches a class during the winter break at his university every year, a chance to delve more deeply into something that doesn't make it into the regular curriculum for what ever reason. Perhaps a troll study? He says most of the students are more mature "returning" students or foreign students who don't go away over the holidays. I'm sure there is a reason for these long breaks but I'm not thinking what it could be - it's a new development since I was in school.

    Cheers, Ceci
