Thursday, January 23, 2025

And I won't back down

 Budde said she did her best to “present an alternative to the culture of contempt, and to say that we can bring multiple perspectives into a common space and do so with dignity and respect”.

“And that we need that,” she continued, as “the culture of contempt is threatening to destroy us. And I’m getting a little bit of a taste of that this week.”

As of Thursday morning, more than 30,000 people [+ one, me] had signed a petition supporting her sermon.


And a friend shared this w/ me from Facebook (knowing I’m off it):


  1. As ever we need brave women who speak truth

  2. Thank you for the address, she gets my support and love and CHEERS!!! Not sure how anyone in their right mind (?) could disagree with her sermon- What the ever living fug???Deeply disturbing insanity right off the bat, gonna be a rough go these next few years.

    1. I know, isn’t it weird that people would send death threats to a minister who asked for mercy for the vulnerable?
      It’s a rough start already alright

  3. I transcribed her words and sent them to east-central Illinois's own Mary Miller. She won't read them, but I hope someone in her office will.
