Thursday, October 24, 2024

"I threw myself off trying to do something Swedish."

Beautiful weather as we enter Scorpio, sign of all things deep and dark. Riches, or horrors...

Marz is here for a couple days. We went for a walk yesterday and she took the DSLR camera she'd signed-out from the college media center.
I'd half-forgotten how many resources and opportunities you get in college. How many? VERY many.
Study Abroad, for instance. Marz had gone to a presentation, and students can choose from forty countries. Forty!

I woke up feeling happy.
It's a relief that money will be coming in again. (Though I feel immense relief not to be a prison guard   school aide anymore, I do miss making lots of money...)
I go to pick up the dog-sitting house keys in fifteen minutes;
I go to my first paid shift at the thrift store tomorrow;
and an old friend has asked to hire me to clean her house once a month--she had a stroke and can't do the deep cleaning.

As for printmaking--I miss it and need/want to pick that up again.
I just need to carve and print one of MY phrases again, but I can't remember any! Certain things can slip out of focus, like a camera lens.
I told Marz "I threw myself off trying to do something Swedish,"
(a sentence she said that pairs nicely with "I can't remember why I don't have a parrot").
I trust that good words to print will rise up in my brain any moment now.

1 comment:

  1. i love the title of the post as a print. let others figure out what it means!
