Thursday, October 17, 2024

"I can't remember why I don't have a parrot."

I. Rocks Can't Vote Though

I signed up to be an Election Day greeter for the first time. I love the buzz of democracy.
My neighborhood association is too Damn Perky for me to join, but I want to join them in giving free coffee and home-baked treats at my polling place:

I signed up for the early morning shift on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Voting starts at 7 a.m.
I'm invited to a neighborhood gathering that Saturday--hopefully it will be a celebration... Fingers crossed!

I wrote earlier this morning that I'd had a wave of feeling that WE ARE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT... in the long run.
The long run can be a huge, long time though.
For Panic Management I even like to think in geological time. Heck, the rocks will be okay!

II. "I can't remember why I don't have a parrot."

Another new thing:
I visited the home of a artist & doll friend, MT, whom I've known off-and-on for decades, but never well.
Her apartment was like a dream of being up in the trees with Swiss Family Robinson and down the rabbit hole with Alice!
I wanted to stay there for days and look at every one of her treasures, which tend toward tiny and tidy:
sewing notions in glass bottles, old photos in antique frames, and her own artwork...

And dolls, which she makes or hand-sews outfits for. She made some play clothes for the girlettes a couple years ago!
These are Ruth Gibbs Dolls from the 1940s-50s that MT is making clothes for.
Hm, not much about Ruth Gibbs online--she was an antique doll collector and a design stylist for Dennison’s Department Store in NYC.

MT also lives with a parrot--an African Gray!
I was telling Marz that on the phone, and she said, "You love birds, you should have a bird."

I said, "Yes! I can't remember why I don't have a parrot."*

She laughed and said that was a perfect INFP statement. That's the Myers Briggs personality type I am. (Marz too.)
That is to say, Not Very Practically Minded (NBPM).

Also I'm a Pisces, the most watery (feel-y) of the astrological signs.
The sort of person who quits their job because they FEEL BAD there.
And who still hasn't launched a job hunt...

*Really, I don't want a parrot because it'd be like getting married! They are like humans, with full emotional and intellectual needs.

III. Art Group?

Another longtime casual friend, MW, invited me to an art-making get together this evening. It's the first meeting of some women makers who want to start meeting once a month, maybe. (
The friend is a poet, not a visual artist---it's great to mix it up like that.)

I'd like being in an art group, I think. Would like to know more people who make stuff.
I'd invited my printmaking class over, but got no takers. bink & I are taking a community ed. class, Printing at Home--it starts next week.

Printmaking means I have prints to share, and I'm not sure about doing that.
It's not a big deal at this point, but if I keep printmaking, I'm going to have a backlog... To give away. Possibly sell.

I want to discover more channels where I could release prints I make, like baby salmon. Swim, little fishies!
But I don't want to get heavy into marketing, because that makes me cranky. (Pisces don't feel like it.)
I can keep putting my prints out and about in public too--like, in Little Free Libraries. I like that!

Eh, some channels will open up, make themselves known, as they always do. (Well, usually.)
The main thing is, I want to keep printing––because I like it.
It is far less demanding than a parrot.


  1. big sigh to have artist friends. i am in the artist desert here in the midwest. talking to my neighbor across the street we both agreed that the artists here are so off the radar that they are unknown. and that the city/university had lots of art-related events that no longer even occur. heck, the university has lots of public art on the campus but only one of them is marked as to the maker.
    although during the printmaking street fair, I found out that a screen printer has taken over a former music store and is planning to have a community art making table.
    a thought on selling: if you have an instagram account i think you can add a link at the top that could go to a page where you have them listed.

  2. So true about companion birds - parrots need a flock and when a human is cast in that role it's hard. I have been thinking about a pair of parakeets, but what to do when we travel? Maybe a millipede instead? Less charm but more legs.

