Friday, September 13, 2024

Pegasus jumps the Lift Bridge

I spent the day working on a lino print of Pegasus jumping the Duluth Lift Bridge. It’s not there yet…. The lino (below) looks far better than the print. Will try again (maybe).

I got the idea from a photo I took last night of the Mobiloil neon Pegasus on Canal Park, by the bridge whose roadway goes up to let ships into the harbor.  The Pegasus is at Gramma’s Saloon, which hosts the Duluth marathon. 


  1. Do we get to see that print? The texture on the Lino is very cool.


    1. The photo makes the texture look puffy! It’s really flat.

  2. DANG the lino looks effing amazing!

    1. Thanks—I’m going to display the lino as is.

  3. I haven't seen Pegasus since Union76, I believe, went out of business. Great one of those old signs is still around.

    1. There’s a Sinclair dinosaur here in Duluth too!

    2. I LOVE the Sinclair dino- Sinclair Wyoming was six miles from my house- The refinery was so terribly knock you out smelly but looked like a carnival at night! Every one that lived in Sinclair worked for Sinclair.

    3. LINDA SUE: I was ga-ga about that dino when I was a kid-- I still love it too! I THINK this may be the source from whence Penny Cooper knows that she and the others are "made of dinosaurs and ferns".
      I should take the girlettes to see the fiberglass dino here (still in Duluth).

      I looked up Sinclair Oil:
      "It was started by Harry Sinclair in 1919, who served six months in prison for his role in the Teapot Dome oil/bribery scandal of the 1920s, then moved back into his Manhattan mansion."
      So it goes.

      I looked up Sinclair WYO---the refinery is still operating, as you know.
      Looks like a carnival at night?
      CARNIVAL OF SOULS, all right!
