Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nothing is just one color.

I'm jazzed to start my next color-print experiment--a series of reduction (carve away) prints of Little Brother (the bear) in different color combos.

It was Marz's idea, actually, and then I saw this lino-print of tea mugs by hannah forward and got inspired to think up color combos:

In nature, nothing is just one color.

Yesterday I photographed colors as I walked around the lake.
It was so humid, I was dripping sweat, and even the mushrooms were sweating. Really!--center photo (top row), below:

Pinky oranges, yellow greens, splattered with siennas and ochres...
I see uniform colors in printing (aside from ombre shading). Could a color be peppered with others? Maybe by splattering dots of ink after printing...?
Will mess around and see.
I want my very first bears to print as clean as the tea mugs, but I'm sure they won't!

I go back to work in two days--Thursday. The weekend is three-days, for Labor Day, then school starts. On Saturday, I think I'll be taking the bus up to see Marz.

She's not lovin' it so far... I don't know if hers is just the normal reaction to overload (new apartment in a new city, starting a new job, and going to classes)…
Marz got into a closed class she wanted to take—History of the Russian Empire—and now she’s much happier.

II. "Another adjective."

Thinking about journalism, last night I rewatched Spotlight (2015)--the movie about the investigative journalists at the Boston Globe who uncovered the Catholic Church's complicity in child sex abuse.
So good.
My favorite part is when the unemotional executive editor, Martin Baron (Liev Schreiber--above, standing) is reading the draft of the story. He circles something in red, and one of the journalists asks, "What is it?"

"Another adjective."

I've resubscribed to The Economist.

I'd started subscribing to The Economist when I was writing geography books for school libraries.

I wanted it again partly so I'd have something I could read at work during slow times, partly because I think I can stand to read news again (I hope). Also, I can afford it with my new job. (Still, I was shocked: $275/year.)
The first copy came in the mail yesterday, and it was worth it. What a relief to read good, smart journalism again. I'd been surprised at how lax the New York Times has gotten--I hadn't read it in years. It made me sad.


  1. Your Punch card has arrived today!! Great work... looking forward to seeing how your work develops

    1. Thanks! I’m curious to see how it develops too!

  2. not just the nytimes but also the washpo has become quite lax! i used to love getting the hard copy of the washpo while living in dc. always the highlight of my day and now -- meh.
    i saw spotlight a few years ago and was totally shocked by some of what they uncovered.

    1. Oh no, the washpo too?!?
      Maybe the abuse of power should come as no surprise, but
      the depth and breadth of the Church’s abuse of children was (is) shocking

  3. ps re the color shots. they are wonderful to show us colors that we may not think about. i used to have a book from japan that showed clothing in different colors and what colors to put with say navy pants. lots of colors i would have never thought about.

    1. Yes! Nature too mixes up some unexpected combinations of colors!
      Bright orange, lime green, and chocolate brown—against a Turkish blue and white sky…

  4. The prints sound like fun! I wouod love to be doing that , maybe I will see if I can after I have spent all of my slitter.
    Marz will be delighted to see you I am sure- What a fab apartment she scored! Room for everyone! The orphans want to go to Duluth.
    The so called news is homogenized and lax, to say the least. I enjoyed the economist online for a while but then- do I really need to know? At this point I do not think so. That is a hefty price!!

    1. Glitter- forgive me for I am blind...

    2. I want to see your prints too!!! Sprinkle them with glitter while the ink is still wet...

      Yes, the Economist is expensive--online sub alone is cheaper,
      but I wanted the paper copy to take to school where I can read it in the back of class...

      Marz's apartment is huge, and she only owns a table and two chairs. So lots of room for TOYS
