Thursday, July 4, 2024

No parade

It’s raining off and on all day – – I’m not complaining because it’s better than the drought of last year – – but the girls are disappointed they can’t go to the Rosegarden and have a big outdoor parade. They are having a parade indoors – – much reduced: “a minor event”, they say. (Pure coincidence—they care nought for human politics.) 

Spike is practicing her baton with undimmed enthusiasm though, to be drum major.

I’m staying home doing organizing and cleaning – – I’ve hardly done any since school ended and I immediately started working three or four days a week at the store. I’m going to cut back there.

bink’s coming over for a little lunch—I made salad with lettuce Abby grew.

A book from the store—the UK wasn’t the only country with this sort of thing…

What I’ve been reading (currently  The Once and Future King):


  1. happy july 4th!!! rita and ava were so looking forward to the parade photos! we had rain last night which put an early end to fireworks.
    my day is spinning (i think of auntie vi while i am doing so trying to not be perfect) and then tomorrow cleaning and organizing.

  2. Stay indoors weather here too.
    Nice to have homegrown greens...I picked Cavolo Nero Kale and the end of last year's Chard today.

  3. Indoors here also as the heat index is 99 (in real life its "only" 95) and no rain since Memorial Day except one tiny sprinkling in late June. I'm using grey water from the kitchen to water the poor parched garden.

    cheers, Ceci
