Sunday, July 7, 2024

A snap as if it were a cat

I set up a workspace--moved and cleared a table, and this morning I'm sketching snaps to print (from a photo, so they stay still). Printmaking class starts on Tuesday--I'll try a proof first...

Snaps are deceptively simple machines. I'd never looked closely at how they work--so clever!

Unexpectedly, this process reminds me of photography. I guess it's similar: transferring light & dark to a 2D plane.

Machine-made objects are hard to draw . . . because they are hard-edged.
Nature's edges are variable, so if you draw them different from the original, often it doesn't matter so much.

I like the idea of a wobbly image of a machine-made object-- looking as if it were a plant, or a cat.
So long as it's still recognizable.

How forgivable are machine-made edges???

Not sure, but that's what I'll try with the sewing notions series...


  1. drawing is seeing- seeing is everything- that is a really good close up of a snap. I probably will pay more attention now.
    Now that my vision is compromised I can not see to draw very well- everything I draw looks organic, plant like. Straight lines or realism is no longer possible from my pencil! Moss is easy for me! Notions , not so much. I admire your SNAP! It is excellent.
