See also Fanvid History Stash, II
1. Us (2007) by lim is a video (fanvid) by a fan about fandom, set to the song by Regina Spektor [here, 2006]. She includes clips from dozens of fandoms--I don't recognize them all.
I love this vid! It makes me teary, the way it represents the love and work creators bring to their work, whether they're fan artists or writers or not. (A crucial difference: fanwork is made with no expectation or even possibility (due to legal restrictions) of earning money for it.)
Also, lim is an amazing editor; her work illustrates how central editing is to moviemaking. Raw footage is like bricks and mortar--what are you going to make with the material?
Her production notes are here. And here is an article about Us on the fan wiki Fanlore.
"We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages..."
2. Us got a lot of academic attention (as well as fanlove), including being in "An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube"
by Michael Wesch, a professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University. WEBSITE:
Michael Wesch Uploaded on Jul 26, 2008--presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008. "This was tons of fun to present. I decided to forgo the PowerPoint and instead worked with students to prepare over 40 minutes of video for the 55 minute presentation. This is the result:"
3. Gratis vs Libre
Fanwork gets into the convoluted legal realms of copyright and fair use [links to brief definition at Stanford U]:
who has the legal right under what circumstances to use what material? I do not enjoy thinking about legal stuff, but it's important so I'm trying to get a handle on it.
RIGHT: From lim's production notes >>>
I do like vocabulary though, you know, and here's a fun quirk that turns up, reading about this stuff:
"Free software is a matter of liberty, not price."
"Think free," the [free software] movement's founder Richard Stallman puts it, "as in free speech, not free beer." —Wired, 9/1/2006
1. Us (2007) by lim is a video (fanvid) by a fan about fandom, set to the song by Regina Spektor [here, 2006]. She includes clips from dozens of fandoms--I don't recognize them all.
I love this vid! It makes me teary, the way it represents the love and work creators bring to their work, whether they're fan artists or writers or not. (A crucial difference: fanwork is made with no expectation or even possibility (due to legal restrictions) of earning money for it.)
Also, lim is an amazing editor; her work illustrates how central editing is to moviemaking. Raw footage is like bricks and mortar--what are you going to make with the material?
Her production notes are here. And here is an article about Us on the fan wiki Fanlore.
"We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages..."
2. Us got a lot of academic attention (as well as fanlove), including being in "An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube"
by Michael Wesch, a professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University. WEBSITE:
Michael Wesch Uploaded on Jul 26, 2008--presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008. "This was tons of fun to present. I decided to forgo the PowerPoint and instead worked with students to prepare over 40 minutes of video for the 55 minute presentation. This is the result:"
3. Gratis vs Libre
Fanwork gets into the convoluted legal realms of copyright and fair use [links to brief definition at Stanford U]:
who has the legal right under what circumstances to use what material? I do not enjoy thinking about legal stuff, but it's important so I'm trying to get a handle on it.
I do like vocabulary though, you know, and here's a fun quirk that turns up, reading about this stuff:
free speech, they wanted it to have an expansive meaning that could be
open to interpretation. - See more at:
"Free" can mean two things: no cost (gratis) and no limitations (libre). "Free software is a matter of liberty, not price."
"Think free," the [free software] movement's founder Richard Stallman puts it, "as in free speech, not free beer." —Wired, 9/1/2006
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