I knew it!
Titled "Gornin'," this is by Douglas Fraser, from The Shatner Show, a book of the 2007 exhibit of 76 Shatner-inspired pieces of art at Uppercase Gallery, in Calgary, Canada.
You can order the book for $36 CAD ($29 US), which includes shipping. I just did. A little early birthday present to myself.
Uppercast also hosts The Captain's Blog, with all sorts of goodies, from a youTube of Bill eating pudding to an interview with the artist who "sculpted" Shatner's head in Legos.
With his inimitable swagger, Shatner declares:
"We were basically one and the same, although Jim [Kirk] was just about perfect, and, of course, I am perfect."
And don't you just know he tastes good too.
I'm sure the Gorn would agree.
Oh, yeah, Happy Valentine's Day!
Love the Gorn...but not as much as Kirk appears to!
ReplyDeleteWould love to see a similar print with Ruk.
ReplyDelete<3 Happy Valentines Day, fresca, and happy upcoming birthday.
*falls over* Awesome. And Shatner's quote is as perfect as he is. :D
ReplyDeleteHeh, heh, heh... I'm glad this amuses.
ReplyDeleteT'Keid: Ruk! Ha, ha, ha! It would have to include the pink styrofoam stalactite, eh? or was it a stalagmite? I can never remember.
hmmm... the love that dare not hiss its name....