This Is Zimbabwe posted a link where you can sign an AVAAZ petition for democracy in Zimbabwe, to "be delivered through diplomatic channels, media--and an event on Wednesday, April 16, when Mbeki travels to the United Nations to chair a special meeting of the UN Security Council."
I'd never heard of Avaaz, but here is a youTube Intro to Avaaz from Ricken Patel, and here's another Avaaz video Stop the Clash of Civilizations.
(I've had some problems embedding youTube videos, so I'm just putting in links for now.)
“Avaaz” means “Voice” in many Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European languages.
Avaaz.org says it "is a new global web movement with a simple democratic mission: to close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want."
From AVAAZ's site:
Robert Mugabe's government has withheld the results of the national elections--and threatens to use violence and fraud to hold on to power.
Mugabe has resisted international pressure--but South Africa's president Thabo Mbeki, who has Mugabe's ear, might listen. A global outcry is needed to ensure that Mbeki knows his status as a global and regional leader is on the line: the world is turning to him to help bring justice for the people of Zimbabwe.
Petition to Robert Mugabe, Thabo Mbeki, and world leaders:
We sign to support the democratic and human rights of the people of Zimbabwe. Election results must be released immediately, verified independently, and--if approved as legitimate--accepted by all parties. If a run-off is required, it should be monitored by international observers and be kept free of violence, fraud, and intimidation. World leaders, including South African President Thabo Mbeki, should do all they can to ensure a just result.
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