Saturday, March 15, 2008

Anti-War Demonstration, March 15, 2008, III

Calling for war-crime trials at the International Court of Justice at The Hague. There were a lot of dogs present. One woman told me her dog was a member of Poodles for Peace. (Why didn't I take their photo?)

On the bridge, above the speakers.

Sami Rasouli speaking. This lovely Iraqi man for 25 years ran Sinbad restaurant. He returned home to Najaf after the fall of Saddam to try to work for peace and to rebuild his country. He brought fliers asking local people to contact their City Council members, asking them to work one-on-one with local people in Najaf.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, when crowds cheered Jesus as he entered Jerusalem for Passover. These church people were passing out palm fronds. This ties in with my idea that church people don't expect quick results--and tend not to be surprised when people cheer one day and jeer the next. That's the dome in the background. (If I have a church, that's the one.)

Many peace-and-justice types favor clothing in purples and blue-greens. These good people are squishing the air out of the inflatable Earth ball, so they can take it back home. Until next time.


  1. F, You have the photographer's eye for taking pictures that really represent what the march is all about. The spare dialogue expresses everything in a few words. Too bad you don't want to go into political work. . .I think you'd be great. . .right up there with the best (Amy Goodman & fair balanced reporting.)

  2. "Poodles for Peace"..."Terriers not Terrorists"...
    "Wire Foxes for World Domination"...oh, no wait, I must be channelling Joop's thoughts.

  3. Thanks--I am very much enjoying owning a camera again, after years without.

    Watch out for those wire-haired fox terriers: They are little dictators!!!
