Sunday, March 6, 2022

I am under orders...

 ... to PAINT MORE CATS! So the Finnish Friend said.

This is my sister's new cat, Nedda.

I sent it to her, and she wrote back,

Friday, March 4, 2022

Started in 61, Now 61

In 1961, I was born tomorrow!

My pregnant mother, 61 years ago, with my father (my watercolor of photo): 

My parents, here, are at the house of my mother's parents, I think for Christmas 1960 (photo print-stamped "Jan 61").

Mr Furniture's Art Opening

My colleague "Mr Furniture" is having his 1st solo art exhibit!
OPENING Friday March 4, 6-8 p.m.

More of Andrew's art: @andrewmoorerealityartist


Thursday, March 3, 2022

World Book Day

I didn't have any books on Ukraine at the thrift store but had plenty of books to put together a "War and Peace" display three days ago.

Someone bought the Tolstoy novel out of it on the first day.
"You're taking the centerpiece of my display!" I complained to the customer.

"Well, you shouldn't make such good displays," she said.

So... on the way to work yesterday, I stopped at a new & used bookstore and bought a used hardback of War and Peace to donate it as a replacement.
How's that for dedication to the workplace?
It cost $14, and I priced it high for my store at $4, hoping to dissuade buyers...

I was rewarded by the universe: a carved wood Russian bear was among the incoming donations! I nabbed it for my display.

(Some books had already sold when I took these photos.)