My thrift store Instagram round up.
Top Row, Left to Right
1. Vox Humana reed stop on a pump organ
2. Those butter-yellow shoes are my favorite! "Socialites" brand, from the early The Mary Tyler Moore Show era (1970), I think.
Mary Richards, the show's main character, lived in Minneapolis, you know, and the shoes have a sticker from Dayton's, the big department store downtown featured in the show's opening (it's where she throws her hat in the air).
3. I don't care about the Cabbage Patch doll---the toy lady asked me to post it, with its adoption papers.
Bottom Row
4. Handmade bookmark for a manga, Soul Eater, found in a fantasy book. I usually save the interesting ephemera I find in books.
5. Heh. I set this up for Art Sparker, who recommends Ernest Becker's Denial of Death. We get lots of books about happiness--feels sort of frenetic.
6. The best thing about this 1965 Man from U.N.C.L.E. is that the owner cut out the order form on the last page, thus removing the text on the back, which describes a seduction scene.
So she (I assume it's a she) copied out the paragraphs onto the inside back cover:
Top Row, Left to Right
1. Vox Humana reed stop on a pump organ
2. Those butter-yellow shoes are my favorite! "Socialites" brand, from the early The Mary Tyler Moore Show era (1970), I think.
Mary Richards, the show's main character, lived in Minneapolis, you know, and the shoes have a sticker from Dayton's, the big department store downtown featured in the show's opening (it's where she throws her hat in the air).
3. I don't care about the Cabbage Patch doll---the toy lady asked me to post it, with its adoption papers.
4. Handmade bookmark for a manga, Soul Eater, found in a fantasy book. I usually save the interesting ephemera I find in books.
5. Heh. I set this up for Art Sparker, who recommends Ernest Becker's Denial of Death. We get lots of books about happiness--feels sort of frenetic.
6. The best thing about this 1965 Man from U.N.C.L.E. is that the owner cut out the order form on the last page, thus removing the text on the back, which describes a seduction scene.
So she (I assume it's a she) copied out the paragraphs onto the inside back cover:
"Solo selected a Henry Mancini LP and placed it on the turntable. Slowly it began to give (?) softly with MOON RIVER."